New items
As of today the following new items are available to order:
M&SWJR 2-4-0 Loco and Tender Chassis (X.13 – £35)
This set of etches is intended for the Nucast Partners kit and can be built in OO, EM and P4. Both Loco and underframe can be built rigid or sprung using High Level hornblocks (not included). CSB plots are built in so if you wish to build it sprung you will not need to worry about setting them up. Removable keeper plates with cosmetic driving wheel spring detail are included as are full brakegear, balance weights and motion bracket/slidebars so there’s something visible in between the loco frames. Springing wire is included.

Stones Ventilators (X.14 – £2.50)
A fret for the distinctive ventilators as fitted to late Midland and LMS Period 1 & 2 coaching stock. The fret consists of 42 x 9 pane ventilators, 12 x 6 pane and 10 x 5 pane.
Ivatt Pony Truck Detailing (X.15 – £1.50)
A small etch to enable the Brassmasters Ivatt spring controlled pony truck to be built as the swing link version. These were fitted at one end of the Ivatt and BR 2-6-2T locos, the other end being the spring controlled version.
Temporary Postage & Packing Rates
In response to the Coronavirus pandemic and the cancelation of most of Rumney Models exhibitions for the year I am introducing new temporary postage rates for UK orders for the next few months. A lot of you would have had the opportunity to purchase from Rumney Models without having to pay for delivery and I still want people to have that opportunity. For UK orders received during the rest of March, April, May and June 2020 the following rates will apply. Overseas orders will still be at cost.
- Orders of no more than £20 – Add £1.50
- Orders over £20 – No charge
- Overseas orders at cost.
I will endeavour to maintain as efficient a service as possible during the outbreak but it’s likely that trips to the post office will be restricted to one or two times a week. Also, with increased childcare duties due to loss of Grandparent help and no nursery time for my daughter there may be some delay in processing orders and answering emails. Please bear with me.
Development News
In other news Rumney Models has recently taken delivery of a whizzy resin 3D printer. This will lead to some new exciting new products and in some instances new ways of doing things. It will also mean that certain products that have been unavailable due to issues supplying parts will be able to be reintroduced. Development work is well in hand though with the current Coronavirus outbreak and the loss of work time due to increased childcare responsibilities that may take a little longer than anticipated. Over the next few months several items will be introduced so keep an eye out for updates and new price lists.
To give you some idea of what’s coming the Rumney Models freight bogies are going to be reworked to use an etched subframe and printed sides. This may mean that certain types will become temporarily unavailable as I won’t be ordering any more castings for the etched version.

When the freight bogies are sorted out then I will release complete Macaw B/Bogie Bolster C kits. These will cover numerous variations from early GWR through to the final vacuum braked examples built in the 1960s. Tooling already exists for the etches, they’ve been waiting, along with some other projects, for readily available parts printed to the required standard.
The 7mm Anchor Mount tank wagon kits that I did as a batch last year will become available as a standard item, again the tooling for these already exists.
A few of the last remaining axleboxes on the to do list will be released as 3D prints. These will include Hyboxes and LMS/LNER heavy duty axleboxes with appropriate springs. I will also look at making the range available in other scales. Some are already available in S Scale via the S Scale society and 7mm seems to be a distinct possibility as there doesn’t seem to be much around in the way of after market detailing parts like this.
We are also going to look at ways of making kits a bit quicker to build where possible. This will not be at the expense of quality though nor simply because I have a 3D printer. Early results are encouraging.

Take care everyone in these troubling times and happy modelling.