Sprung Coach Bogie Subframes – P4/EM only
Update: The coach bogies subframes (E.01-E.07) have been reinstated and are available again from stock. Enough people put their hand up to continue with them. I looked at retooling the sheets but most of the kits are such awkward sizes that I can’t actually rearrange the frets sufficiently to squeeze more of them on to a sheet. Prices therefore will remain where they were, but they are available…
These are fully sprung coach bogies with a single secondary suspension bolster that is part of the bogie. Includes detailed brake shoes and yolks. The BR bogies are designed to be a direct fit in the Bachmann Mk1 underframe though of course could easily be used in other applications.
The price is per pair. Spring wire and brass pins included. Wheels, bearings, M2 bolts, 2.5mm x 2mm brass tube pivot point bearing sleeve and 1mm wire are required to complete.
- E.01 8’6” BR Coach Bogies (for Mk1 stock) – £15
- E.02 8’6” BR Commonwealth Bogies – £15
- E.04 9’ GWR Pressed Steel – £17
- E.05 9’ GWR Heavy Duty – £17
- E.06 7’ GWR – £15
- E.07 8’6″ LNER Gresley (Light duty) – £17
The Commonwealth and GWR Pressed Steel bogies include correctly profiled ends. The Gresley bogie includes a representation of the visible leaf springs above each axlebox.
Instructions can be found by clicking on the product code and title in the above listings or via the instructions page.
Complete Coach Bogie Kits – EM/P4 Only
Like the subframes these are fully sprung but also include all the cosmetic bits as well. The price is per pair and includes castings or 3D prints and springing wire. Wheels, bearings, wire, tube and retaining bolst are required to complete.
A complete kit for the light duty 1950s BR Mk1 coach bogie. These were fitted to practically everything except sleepers and kitchen cars which had heavy duty bogies. The kit has options that cover single bolster bogies and double bolster bogies, either in their original design or with the revised and strengthened bolster arrangement. Riveted and welded construction is also covered and there are options for welded and riveted spring stops. The only BR Coach Bogies you can’t model are the heavy duty variety and the few built with compensated brakegear. They are of course fully sprung with guitar wire primary and secondary springing. Castings are included for the 6 leaf springs/BR1 axleboxes and the bolster springs and hangers.

- E.110A LMS Riveted Coach Bogies (Vertical Platefront Axleboxes) – £27
- E.110B LMS Riveted Coach Bogies (Sloping Platefront Axleboxes) – £27
A complete kit for the LMS riveted coach bogie. Includes provision different stepboards including short and full length, correctly modelled ends for dynamo and non-dynamo bogies and 3D printed springs/axleboxes and bolster detail. The difference between the two kits lies in the types of axlebox fitted. E.110A includes the later vertical platefront axleboxes, E.110B includes the earlier sloping platefront axleboxes.

Not for those who want rakes and rakes of the things but an option for some who only needs a few but wants a bogie that the right kind of width and looks a bit special.