GWR DC Brakegear SnapshotDownloads

Dean-Churchward brakegear for GWR 6 wheel milk tanks

3000 Gallon milk tank diagrams and ownership details

Milk Tank photograph references

16T Steel Mineral Wagon fleet survey

12T General Merchandise Van Fleet Survey

UD - Unigate Milk Tank Plates


My modelling pages on the Scalefour Society’s forum

The Scalefour Society

GWR O.39 Milk Tank QuaintonRMweb

Eileen’s Emporium – A treasure trove of modelling materials

David Geen – 4mm GWR and LMS milk tank kits

Shawplan – For the very best in diesel detailing parts

Model Railway Developments – Hubert Carr’s bits and peices

Penbits – Ian Penberth’s sprung P4 diesel bogies

16T mineral survey snapshot 2Parkside Dundas – Plastic wagon kits

C&L Finescale – Exactoscale components

Ultrascale – High quality 4mm wheels

CLAG – Lots of interesting bits including theoretical work on the deflection of beams (‘leaf’ springs)

High Level – Gearboxes, drive components and bearings

Slimrails – Chivers Finelines plastic kits

Some Inspirational Layouts

The Craigcorrie & Dunalistair Railway – Ted Polet’s magical OO9 creation

P4 New Street – Jim Smith-Wright’s magnum opus

Newport Model Railway Society – Home of the embryonic Little Mill Junction