Just in case you hadn’t noticed Rumney Models has a whizzy new website! Hopefully this site will be easier to view and to find your way around. I’ve done my best to iron out any bugs but if you notcie any links to nowhere then let me know. Hope you like it!
In other news…
I will be at Larkrail later this month. It looks like it should be a great day so if you’re in the area do come along.
The wagon axlebox and springs project has moved on. The second round of test prints were recieved at the Scalefour Society’s AGM recently and have been signed off. They have since been sent off and recieved back from a firm that does lost wax casting to see what they looked liked. Pretty good is the answer. The following shows a 6 leaf spring with plate front axlebox as well as castings for GWR plate freight bogies.
All the development work for this project is now complete and I can move forward to getting the production masters printed and then turned into castings. Not a moment too soon either. I’ve got a load of wagons waiting to be finished!
In other news I have recently been very busy with artwork for United Dairies and Unigate milk tank plates. Assuming all looks good when I recieve the etches back they will be available in both 4mm and 7mm scales.
Development work for the BR 1/448 clasp braked Tube chassis is complete. I’m quite pleased with how this has turned out. These will be available soon.
The Bogie Bolster C project also rumbles on and the first round of detailing parts are on schedule for release in September. The following photo shows unfitted lever brakegear fitted to a Bachmann model. More details will be posted nearer the time.
Development work on the freight bogies is also complete. There will be four at first, all plate types; GWR and GWR heavy duty with those lovely scallop shall axleboxes as well as BR oil and roller bearing. These should be available before too long but I wont be ordering the etches until I know when the castings (see above) are going to arrive which means they may not make the September releases.