6th January 2021
Despite the recent lockdown announcement, I want to confirm that Rumney Models will remain open. We are not required to shield again, which was the major reason for closing the first time round last March.
I am down some work time due to loss of childcare so please bear with me when ordering and I will only be going to the post office once a week during this lockdown. You may want to make note of the following updated points of information:
- My etchers currently remain open but lead times are still in the order of 6 weeks. Given this and the general uncertainty surrounding businesses and the Covid situation at moment I will not be taking payment for any items that I do not have in stock. I am happy to take orders for items that are not in stock, but payment will not be asked for until I actually have them. This however excludes those items listed on the special etches catalogue and I may ask for a deposit for large orders.
- All orders by email first. Please email any order for confirmation even if you intend on paying by cheque. I don’t want to have to sort out postal orders which include payment for items I don’t have.
- Postage and packing rates. I will continue to not charge postage and packing on orders over £20 for the time being. For orders of £20 and under P&P will be £1.50. Postage and packing rates will be reviewed when my next catalogue is released.
- I am planning on placing orders with my etchers on the following dates over the next six months. 1st February, 1st April, 1st June. Please bear this in mind.
- Opening hours: Rumney Models is a part time busines, “office hours” are currently Monday morning, Wednesday morning and Friday. Please bear this in mind when emailing.
- Cheques. I find it amazing the number of cheques that are made out in a way that I cannot cash despite it being clear on my ordering page and order form who they should be made out to. It’s a pain to sort out and something I feel I shouldn’t have to do. All cheques should be made payable to “Justin Newitt”.
- Please allow 28 days for delivery. Turnaround should be much quicker but note that I will only be going to the post office once a week during this lockdown (either Monday or most likely Wednesday) which will cause a lag depending on when an order is placed. Also anything arriving by post will be quarantined for 3 days before opening and I will wait for cheques to clear (typically 2 days) before sending an order out. I can use my smartphone app to bank cheques but if the app doesn’t like the cheque (it happens occasionally) and I have to take it into a branch then that will create further delays. If Covid rears its ugly head either locally, or heaven forbid in my daughter’s nursery this could cause delays of up to 2 weeks, not to mention any localised disruption to the postal system. In short please be patient, I am a one man band with a young family not Amazon prime!
Happy modelling all.
6th January 2021