New Items
I am pleased to announce the introduction of some new items in advance of Scaleforum, all are 4mm scale unless stated otherwise.
7’3” 14T Air Ministry Tank Wagon Kits
Something a bit special and what could, depending on sales, be the first of a large range of late steam era oil and chemical tank wagons.
Full kits for the 7’3” Air Ministry 14T Class A and Class B conversion tank wagons. The kits include and underframe, tank and details etched in two materials and on three different thicknesses along with 3D printed saddles, tank ends, one piece end stanchions/crossbeams, springs/axleboxes, buffer housings and tank fittings. There are four kits in total with a choice of riveted or welded tanks and both versions are offered with either Class A or Class B fittings. There is also a choice of the original small walkways or the 4 support type fitted by SMBP from the late fifties. Esso and SMBP style ladders are also included.
- PC.111RA – Riveted Tank, Class A Fittings
- PC.111RB – Riveted Tank, Class B Fittings
- PC.111WA – Welded Tank, Class A Fittings
- PC.111WA – Welded Tank, Class B Fittings
The kits are EM and P4 only and are £48 each.
Bachmann N Class Loco and Tender Chassis
A modern, fully sprung chassis for the Bachmann N class model (X.16 – £62). The kit is designed to reuse the Bachmann cylinder block and motion bracket but replace everything else below the body of the locomotive. The kit features independently sprung driving wheels, a sprung pony truck, valve gear, brakegear and a removable keeper plate with cosmetic driving wheel springs. Also included is a CSB sprung tender subframe with full brakegear which is suitable for both the 3500 and 4000 gallon tenders. EM and P4 only.
The sprung tender subframe from the above kit is also available separately (X.16A – £14) on a limited basis. EM and P4 only.
LNER 50T Diamond Freight Bogies
A sprung kit for the LNER 50T diamond framed freight bogie (PG.11 – £14). These were fitted to the LNER brick and sulphate wagons. They follow the same principle as the recently re-imagined plate freight bogies with cosmetic 3D prints over an etched sideframe and sprung bolster.
Gauge 1 Milk Tank Plates
I have a small selection of milk tank plates available to suit the Slaters LMS d1994 kit. There are United Diaries, Unigate and Express Dairies plates available (Various codes – £6 a set). They are etched on 0.1mm stainless steel and supplied in pairs and painted. Unigate and Express Dairies numbers are suitable for the LMS d1994 only.
Other news
The impact of my etchers recent price rises continues to be felt. There are no further rises from me but there are some more withdrawals and news on out of stock items.
Sprung Coach Bogie Subframes
I have taken the decision to withdraw for the time being the sprung coach bogie subframes (kits E.01-E.07). They are currently available while stocks last. Recent changes to my etchers price structure and further price rises means I feel these are no longer profitable to stock. The logical thing would be to retool the sheet that they are on to reduce the unit cost but there are a number of items which that applies to, and I have a limited budget for such things. Given sales of them generally, and specifically over the past two and half years they will have to wait. Having said that, if someone wants to place an order for 6 or more of a particular type I will get the retool done for that sheet at the next available opportunity. I’ve never really understood why I haven’t sold more of these, I think they are a better product than the alternatives available but people seem to have voted with their feet.
Open Wagon/LMS Van Detailing
The frets (B.102-B.105) covering LMS/BR open wagons and BR period LMS vans are now out of stock. I have no plans to order more of the sheets that they are on nor am I planning to tool up a whole sheet of them. Instead, I plan on using them to fill production sheets as and when the opportunity arises. They will be available again.
I hope to see some of you at Scaleforum next weekend. Strange to think that this will be Rumney Models first full blown, weekend long exhibition since Scaleforum in 2019.
Happy modelling,