New Items for September

With Autumn just around the corner it means a new set of releases from Rumney Models. The ‘headline act’ this time is an underframe kit for the BR unfitted Grampus (B.34 – £15). This includes replacement baskets and door spring and step detailing for the body. For those who don’t want to go to the extent of building a complete … Read More

New items for July and change of address

A quick interim update from Rumney Models before the next major set of releases in September. Firstly a couple of new items in the form of Express Dairy milk tank plates in both 4mm and 7mm scales. These include both the company plate and the distinctive round number plate that was attached to the baulks at the tank ends. The … Read More

New Items for March

With Scalefour North looming large Rumney Models is pleased to announce another round of new releases. Below is a round up of the new items. As per usual instructions for certain items are currently being prepared. One day I’ll have them all done before release time comes around but not this year. So to the exciting stuff… First up are … Read More

Happy New Year!

A belated happy new year to all from Rumney Models! 2017 will bring a host of exciting new items including more wagon axlebox and spring castings, plate freight bogie kits and anchor mount tank wagon underframes and detailing to suit the recntly released Bachmann model. Rumney Models will be out and about at the following events over the coming months … Read More

Early arrival in Bristol

On 7th October Theadora Persephone Gaby Russell-Newitt entered the world some 11 weeks and 2 days prematurely. Despite this early arrival and her lack of size she is doing great as is her mother. Thea’s unexpected arrival has obviously been a bit of a shock and we are doing everything we can to support her while she is in hospital. Rumney Models is … Read More

New Items for September

  Rumney Models is delighted to announce a bumper crop of new releases! First up is exciting news about a new range of whitemetal wagon axlebox and spring castings for BR era prototypes. They have been produced from the highest quality masters printed for me by Alan Butler at Modelu. The first wave of releases contains 6 different types of … Read More

New Items for July

Hot on the heels of the arrival of the milk tank plates comes a new price list and order form… First up is, completely unsupringly, United Dairies & Unigate milk tank plates. These are available in both 4mm scale and 7mm scale and rather nice they look too. Both sizes are etched on 0.004″ stainless steel and both were drawn … Read More

United Dairies & Unigate Milk Tank Plates

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s update I had an exciting package this morning. Yesterday I mentioned some United Dairies/Unigate milk tank plates that I was having etched; well they’ve arrived and look pretty good: These were something I’d always wanted to try and do and I was inspired to get on and sort them out by a Rumney Models … Read More

New Website

Just in case you hadn’t noticed Rumney Models has a whizzy new website! Hopefully this site will be easier to view and to find your way around. I’ve done my best to iron out any bugs but if you notcie any links to nowhere then let me know. Hope you like it! In other news… I will be at Larkrail … Read More